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Jalapeno is a project templating system which support complex templating while staying user friendly. Project templates used by Jalapeno are called recipes.

To get started, install the tool and follow the getting started guide.


  • Easy to use templates: The CLI guides the user as much as possible when using recipes. This is done by prompting the user interactively for required template values, providing validation for the values, giving hints about what to do after executing the recipe etc.
  • Modular: A project can use multiple recipes at the same time, so you can compose your projects from multiple smaller template modules. This helps to keep the recipes simple and focused.
  • Continous integration: Recipes are versioned, and new versions of the recipe can be merged to existing projects. Recipes can be shared via OCI compatible registries (aka container registries) so project CI/CD pipelines which already utilize the registry can easily check and notify the developers if there are new versions available for the recipes.
  • Snapshots tests: Recipes can be tested with snapshot tests, which reduces regression when developing the templates by ensuring that the templates produces expected outputs.