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API Reference



Bump version number for recipe. By default prompts user for update increment (patch/minor/major) and changelog messsage. These can also be specified directly with the -v and -m flags.

Usage: jalapeno bumpver


# Prompt version increment and changelog message
jalapeno bumpver

# Specify recipe directory
jalapeno bumpver path/to/recipe

# Directly specify version and message
jalapeno bumpver -v v1.0.0 -m "Hello world"


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--message, -mstringOptional changelog message
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--version, -vstringNew semver number for recipe


Check if there are newer versions available for recipes used in the project. By default it checks updates for all recipes, but it is possible to check updates for a specific recipe by using the --recipe flag.

Usage: jalapeno check


# Check updates for all recipes in the project
jalapeno check

# Check updates for a single recipe
jalapeno check --recipe my-recipe

# Upgrade recipes to the latest version if new versions are found
jalapeno check --upgrade

# Add check URL for recipe which does not have it yet
jalapeno check --recipe my-recipe --from oci://


--ca-filestringServer certificate authority file for the remote registry
--detailed-exitcodeboolfalseReturns a detailed exit code when the command exits. When provided, this argument changes the exit codes and their meanings to provide more granular information about what the resulting plan contains: 0 = Succeeded with no updates available, 1 = Error, 2 = Succeeded with updates available
--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--force-upgradeboolfalseIf upgrading, overwrite manual changes in the files with the new versions without prompting
--fromstringAdd or override the URL used for checking updates for the recipe. Works only with --recipe flag
--insecureboolfalseAllow connections to SSL registry without certs
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--password, -pstringPassword or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
--plain-httpboolfalseAllow insecure connections to registry without SSL check
--recipe, -rstringName of the recipe to check for new versions
--registry-config[]string[]Path of the authentication file
--timeoutduration10sTimeout in seconds for the command to run
--upgradeboolfalseUpgrade recipes to the latest version if new versions are found
--username, -ustringUsername used to log against the Docker registry

create manifest

Usage: jalapeno create manifest


jalapeno create manifest


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment

create recipe

Create a new recipe with the given name.

The following files will be created:

├── recipe.yml
├── templates
│ └──
└── tests
└── defaults
├── test.yml
└── files

Usage: jalapeno create recipe RECIPE_NAME


jalapeno create recipe my-recipe


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment

create test

Usage: jalapeno create test


jalapeno create test


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment


Remove all the files and directories that are for Jalapeno internal use, and leave only the rendered project files.

Usage: jalapeno eject


jalapeno eject


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment


Aliases: exec, e, run

Executes (renders) a recipe or manifest and outputs the files to the directory. Recipe URL can be a local path or a remote URL (ex. 'oci://').

Usage: jalapeno execute RECIPE_URL


# Execute local recipe
jalapeno execute path/to/recipe

# Execute recipe from OCI repository
jalapeno execute oci://

# Execute recipe from OCI repository with inline authentication
jalapeno execute oci:// --username user --password pass

# Execute recipe from OCI repository with Docker authentication
docker login
jalapeno execute oci://

# Execute a manifest which contains multiple recipes
jalapeno execute path/to/manifest.yml

# Execute recipe to different directory
jalapeno execute path/to/recipe --dir other/dir

# Execute recipe in a monorepo
jalapeno execute path/to/recipe --dir monorepo-root --subpath path/in/monorepo

# Set variable values with flags
jalapeno execute path/to/recipe --set MY_VAR=foo --set MY_OTHER_VAR=bar

# Set variable values with environment variables
jalapeno execute path/to/recipe


--ca-filestringServer certificate authority file for the remote registry
--delimiterstring,Delimiter used when setting table variables
--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--insecureboolfalseAllow connections to SSL registry without certs
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--password, -pstringPassword or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
--plain-httpboolfalseAllow insecure connections to registry without SSL check
--registry-config[]string[]Path of the authentication file
--reuse-other-sauce-values, -rboolfalseBy default each sauce has their own set of values even if the variable names are same in both recipes. Setting this to true, values from other sauces will be reused if the variable names match
--set, -s[]string[]Set values to be used in the templates. Example: --set "MY_VAR=foo"
--subpathstringSubpath which is used as a path prefix when saving and loading the sauce files. Useful for monorepos.
--timeoutduration10sTimeout in seconds for the command to run
--username, -ustringUsername used to log against the Docker registry


Pull a recipe from OCI repository and save it locally. You can authenticate by using the --username and --password flags or logging in first with docker login.

Usage: jalapeno pull URL


# Pull recipe from OCI repository
jalapeno pull

# Pull recipe from OCI repository with inline authentication
jalapeno pull oci:// --username user --password pass

# Pull recipe from OCI repository with Docker authentication
docker login
jalapeno pull oci://

# Pull recipe to different directory
jalapeno pull oci:// --dir other/dir


--ca-filestringServer certificate authority file for the remote registry
--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--insecureboolfalseAllow connections to SSL registry without certs
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--password, -pstringPassword or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
--plain-httpboolfalseAllow insecure connections to registry without SSL check
--registry-config[]string[]Path of the authentication file
--timeoutduration10sTimeout in seconds for the command to run
--username, -ustringUsername used to log against the Docker registry


Push a recipe to OCI repository (e.g. Docker registry). The version of the recipe will be used as a tag for the image. You can authenticate by using the --username and --password flags or logging in first with docker login.

Usage: jalapeno push RECIPE_PATH TARGET_URL


# Push recipe to OCI repository
jalapeno push path/to/recipe

# Push recipe to OCI repository with inline authentication
jalapeno push path/to/recipe oci:// --username user --password pass

# Push recipe to OCI repository with Docker authentication
docker login
jalapeno push path/to/recipe oci://


--ca-filestringServer certificate authority file for the remote registry
--insecureboolfalseAllow connections to SSL registry without certs
--latest, -lboolfalseAdditionally push the recipe to 'latest' tag
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--password, -pstringPassword or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
--plain-httpboolfalseAllow insecure connections to registry without SSL check
--registry-config[]string[]Path of the authentication file
--timeoutduration10sTimeout in seconds for the command to run
--username, -ustringUsername used to log against the Docker registry


Run tests for the recipe.

Usage: jalapeno test [RECIPE_PATH]


# Run recipe tests
jalapeno test path/to/recipe

# Bootstrap a new test case
jalapeno test path/to/recipe --create

# Update test file snapshots with the current outputs
jalapeno test path/to/recipe --update-snapshots


--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--update-snapshots, -uboolfalseUpdate test file snapshots


Upgrade a recipe in a project with a newer version. Recipe URL can be a local path or a remote URL (ex. 'oci://').

Usage: jalapeno upgrade RECIPE_URL


# Upgrade recipe with local recipe
jalapeno upgrade path/to/recipe

# Upgrade recipe with remote recipe from OCI repository
jalapeno upgrade oci://

# Upgrade recipe with remote recipe from OCI repository with inline authentication
jalapeno upgrade oci:// --username user --password pass

# Upgrade recipe with remote recipe from OCI repository with Docker authentication
docker login
jalapeno upgrade oci://

# Upgrade recipe to different directory
jalapeno upgrade path/to/recipe --dir other/dir

# Set values for new variables introduced in the upgrade
jalapeno upgrade path/to/recipe --set NEW_VAR=foo


--ca-filestringServer certificate authority file for the remote registry
--delimiterstring,Delimiter used when setting table variables
--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--force, -fboolfalseOverwrite manual changes in the files with the new versions without prompting
--insecureboolfalseAllow connections to SSL registry without certs
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment
--password, -pstringPassword or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
--plain-httpboolfalseAllow insecure connections to registry without SSL check
--registry-config[]string[]Path of the authentication file
--reuse-old-valuesbooltrueAutomatically set values for variables which already have a value in the existing sauce
--reuse-other-sauce-values, -rboolfalseBy default each sauce has their own set of values even if the variable names are same in both recipes. Setting this to true, values from other sauces will be reused if the variable names match
--sauce-idstringIf the project contains multiple sauces with the same recipe, specify the ID of the sauce to be upgraded
--set, -s[]string[]Set values to be used in the templates. Example: --set "MY_VAR=foo"
--timeoutduration10sTimeout in seconds for the command to run
--username, -ustringUsername used to log against the Docker registry


Validate a recipe in a local path.

Usage: jalapeno validate RECIPE_PATH


jalapeno validate path/to/recipe


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment


Explains where a file comes from in the project, e.g. is the file create by a recipe or user

Usage: jalapeno why FILEPATH


jalapeno why path/to/file


--dir, -dstring.Sets working directory
--no-colorboolfalseIf specified, output won't contain any color
--no-inputboolfalseIf set to true, the program will exit with an error code if it needs to wait for any user input. This is useful when running the program in CI/CD environment

Recipe schema (recipe.yml)

Source code

apiVersionstringv1Version of the recipe metadata API schema. Currently should have value "v1".
namestringName of the recipe.
versionstringVersion of the recipe. Must be valid semver.
descriptionstringDescription of what the recipe does.
sourcestringURL to source code for this recipe.
templateExtensionstringFile extension of files in "templates" directory which should be templated. Files not matched by this extension will be copied as-is. If left empty (the default), all files will be templated.
initHelpstringA message which will be shown to an user after a successful recipe execution. Can be used to guide the user on what should be done next in the project directory. Supports templating.
ignorePatterns[]stringGlob patterns for ignoring generated files from future recipe upgrades. Ignored files will not be regenerated even if their templates change in future versions of the recipe.
vars[]VariableAn array of variables which can be used in templates. The user will be prompted to provide the value for the variable if not set with --set flag.


Source code

namestringThe name of the variable. It is also used as an unique identifier, so two variables cannot have the same name.
descriptionstringDescription of the variable. Will be shown to the user when "show help" is activated.
defaultstringDefault value of the variable.
confirmboolfalseIf set to true, the prompt will be a yes/no question, and the value type will be boolean.
optionalboolfalseIf set to true, the variable can be left empty.
options[]stringThe user selects the value from a list of options.
multiboolfalseIf set to true, the user can select multiple options defined by the options property.
validators[]ValidatorValidators for the variable.
ifstringMakes the variable conditional based on the result of the expression. The result of the evaluation needs to be a boolean value. Uses
columns[]stringSet the variable as a table type with columns defined by this property.


Source code

patternstringRegular expression pattern to match the input against.
helpstringIf the regular expression validation fails, this help message will be shown to the user.
columnstringApply the validator to a column if the variable type is table.
uniqueboolWhen targeting table columns, set this to true to make sure that the values in the column are unique.

Test schema (test.yml)

Source code

valuesmap[string]anyValues to use to render the recipe templates. Map key is the name of the variable and value is the variable value.
expectedInitHelpstringExpected initHelp of the recipe when rendered with the values specified in the test.
ignoreExtraFilesboolIf true, the test will pass even though templates generated more files than the test specifies. This is useful when creating specific test cases for large recipes.

Sauce schema (sauces.yml)

Source code

apiVersionstringv1Version of the sauce API schema. Currently should have value "v1".
recipeRecipeThe recipe which was used to render the sauce.
valuesmap[string]anyValues which were used to execute the recipe.
filesmap[string]FileFiles generated by the recipe.
idstringRandom unique ID whose value is determined on first render and stays the same on subsequent re-renders (upgrades) of the sauce. Can be used for example as a seed for template random functions to provide the same result on each template.
fromstringDefines the repository where updates should be checked for the recipe.
subpathstringSubpath which is used as a path prefix when saving and loading the sauce files. This is commonly used in monorepos.

Manifest schema (manifest.yml)

Source code

apiVersionstringv1Version of the manifest API schema. Currently should have value "v1".
recipes[]ManifestRecipeRecipes to execute when the manifest is applied.

Manifest recipe

Source code

namestringThe name of the recipe.
versionstringThe version of the recipe.
repositorystringThe repository where the recipe is located. Can be a local path or remote URL.
valuesmap[string]anyValues which were used to execute the recipe.